Monday, April 12, 2010


Sejak akhir-akhir ini, gejala membuang bayi semakin melonjak naik. Namun begitu , gejala ini bukanlah perkara baharu kerana ini telah lama berlaku. Mungkin telah ratusan atau ribuan bayi yang tidak berdosa menjadi mangsa perlakuan ibu bapa yang tidak berperikemanusiaan yang hanya mementingkan maruah dan kepentingan diri sendiri. Malahan janin yang tidak sempat untuk menikmati hidup juga menjadi mangsa keadaan. Sedangkan haiwan pun sayangkan anaknya, inikan pula manusia yang dijadikan sempurna akal fikirannya. Jika difikir-fikirkan,geleng kepala melihat berita dan membaca artikel di surat khabar saban hari. Apakah yang telah berlaku dengan dunia ini? Manusia telah lalai dan hanya berfikir akan soal keduniaan. Tidakkah mereka sedar bahawa segala perlakuan mereka ini akan menerima pembalasan? Jika tidak di dunia yang fana ini, mereka akan menerima pembalasan di akhirat nanti yang semuanya adalah pasti.
Bercerita mengenai tajuk iaitu ‘ Hukuman Berat Membendung Gejala Buang Bayi, Setuju atau Tidak?’ melihat kepada tajuknya sahaja membuat saya bersetuju dan pasti hanya hukuman yang mampu menangani masalah ini. Jika ada hukuman yang paling berat, itulah akan menjadi pilihan saya kerana manusia yang tidak berhati perut ini tidak wajar diberi pengampunan kerana mereka telah mengambil peluang insan lain untuk menikmati dunia ini yang terhasil daripada janin mereka sendiri.Jika saya yang menjadi pelaksana hukuman, hanya hukuman gantung sampai mati menjadi penyelesaiannya kerana mengambil nyawa insan lain dan juga kerana melakukan zina yang telah terang-terang dilarang oleh agama. Terpulanglah kepada sesiapa yang ingin memanggil saya kejam atau lebih dari itu. jika difikirkan kembali itu baru melibatkan gejala buang anak belum lagi dimasukkan dengan statistik anak luar nikah iaitu 17303 anak luar nikah yang didaftarkan pada tahun 2009 dan di Malaysia kira-kira 47 orang anak luar nikah dilahirkan sehari. Melihat kepada data tersebut telah mebuatkan saya terdiam sejenak. Apakah maksudnya ini? Adakah budaya zina dan maksiat telah menjadi perkara biasa di Malaysia?
Siapa yang harus dipersalahkan? Masyarakat menunding jari masing-masing kepada orang lain. Ingin kami tekankan disini bahawa kami dengan beraninya menunding jari kepada ibu bapa yang melahirkan anak yang tidak berhati perut itu. bak kata pepatah “Kemana tumpahnya kuah kalau tidak ke nasi?” perangai anak mereka menjadi refleksi kepada perangai ibu bapa mereka. Jika baik ibu bapanya maka baiklah anak-anak mereka. Dapat dilihat pada masa ini keruntuhan institusi kekeluargaan yang menjadi punca kepada semua permasalahan ini. Bukan sahaja gejala buang bayi,malah gejala pengambilan dadah, dan sebagainya. Ibu bapa bukan lagi dilihat sebagai role model oleh anak-anak untuk dicontohi pada zaman sekarang. Malah anak-anak sudah tidak lagi berasa takut dengan ibu bapa mereka seperti zaman-zaman dahulu. Jika ada pun hanya satu dari sepuluh.Seharusnya kami harus bersyukur kerana mempunyai ibu bapa yang tegas namun pada masa yang menunjukkan bahawa mereka sebenarnya sayang akan kita.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

ABOUT TUN MUSA HITAM (personality profile)

hye everyone this is about my third assignment from miss mimi.  i wanted to share with everyone about one political person in Malaysia which is Tun Musa Hitam

 Tun Musa bin Hitam (born 18 April 1934), is a Malaysian politician and a former Deputy Prime Minister of Malaysia, serving under Mahathir bin Mohamad. He was born in Johor Bahru, Johor in 1934. He is currently the chairman of Sime Darby Berhad.  Tun Musa was born to a Malay father and a mother of Chinese descent, who was adopted by and grew up in a Malay household at the age of five.   Tun Musa was married to Datin Ines Maria Reyna, a Peruvian of Spanish descent, whom he first met at Lima, Peru in 1959 as an international student. They had 3 children which is Mariana, Carlos Abdul Rashid and Rosana. Tun Musa is now married to Zulaikha Sheardin, with whom he has one son, Hanif.   Tun Musa has three grandchildren which is Marisa, Lara and Kaelen.


           Tun Musa Hitam obtained a Bachelor of Arts Degree from the University of Malaya and a Masters Degree from the University of Sussex. He was a Fellow of CFIA Harvard University. He also holds Honorary Doctorates from Sussex University, University of Malaya and the University of Malaysia Sabah. He is a Fellow of the Malaysian Institute of Management, and Member of the Advisory Board of the Malaysian Journal of Diplomacy and Foreign Relations.  Tun Musa Hitam has held various international posts. These included Chairman of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association, Member of the Board of UNESCO, Leader of the Commonwealth Missions to Malawi, Pakistan and Fiji, and Member of the Commonwealth Ministers Delegations to Nigeria, Sierra Leone, the Gambia and Pakistan. Before becoming Malaysia’s fifth Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Home Affairs in 1981 – 1986, Tun Musa Hitam held a number of key government posts, including Chairman of Federal Land Development Authority (FELDA), Deputy Minister of Trade & Industry, Minister of Primary Industries and Minister of Education.  Between 1990 and 1991, he was Malaysia’s Special Envoy to the United Nations and from 1995 to 2002 the Prime Minister’s Special Envoy to the Commonwealth Ministerial Action Group (CMAG). 
            He was leader of the Malaysian delegation to the UN Commission on Human Rights from 1993 to 1998 and Chairman of the 52nd Session of the Commission in 1995. For his services he was given awards by various State governments in Malaysia and he was awarded his country’s highest title by the Yang Di Pertuan Agong (King), which makes him a “Tun”.  Tun Musa Hitam is currently Chairman of three publicly listed companies, Joint Chairman of the Malaysia-China Business Council, Chairman of the World Islamic Economic Forum, Chairman of the Eminent Persons Group on the ASEAN Charter and Special Envoy to the Commonwealth Secretary General of the Maldives.


Sunday, March 14, 2010

my product crocs

Hye everyone and my entire friend. Today I would like to share with everyone about my favorite product. Beside that I also want to promote to all of you about that product. The product that I mean it is Crocs. Actually I got two crocs at my home. At the first I saw that crocs at shop, I am not interested with it because I think it just look like a simple shoe and just suitable for children. One day my friend gave me crocs for my birthday present. Even though I don’t like crocs but I try to wearing that. After I wearing that crocs, I felt very comfortable to walk in every place that I go. Crocs is taken by name of crocodile.

this picture tell you safety of using crocs and

Crocs are suitable with every single age from kids, teenager until the oldest no matter girl or boy. All people can wear those crocs. If all of you having problem in confuse to choose the shoes that very suit to you to walk, to matching with your clothes when you wearing t-shirt and jeans, to jogging, to go shopping and many more, crocs can settle your problem. Crocs are easy to wearing, simple and very suitable to you to walk and you can felt more confidence when you walk and want to go some place. Like me, I am wearing crocs when I want attend the class, because the reason is simple, my faculty is a little bit far from my college and also at the hill, so when I am wearing crocs it is easy for me to walk without having a problem and I also not too tired when I arrived at my faculty. Crocs also very suitable when you wearing in a raining day, because it is make from sap and its easy for to walk at smooth place and very safe.

Crocs also can match if you wearing ‘baju kurung’, but u have to matching the colour of your cross. For me better you choose colour that can easy to match with your clothes, like black, white, brown, dark blue or any dark colour. You can get crocs in so many colour, design and pattern. You can buy those crocs at crocs boutique or shop that sell the crocs. As normal thing all the products that sell have the good or bad effect. For example now crocs can get in very cheaper price and you can buy at small fronted shop. That is a good thing for people out there but it is also bad because the seller that sell in cheaper price of crocs its means the crocs is not original and it is a fake crocs and maybe not really comfortable when you wearing it. So better you buy the original because it is softer and comfortable, also difficult to damage. But the original crocs are a little bit expensive.
The normal price is around RM90 to RM250. They have variety of design such as zebra, wedges, alice, crocs band, and many more. Now day many people wearing the crocs because of their advantages. OK before i forgot, if you can see crocs have hole in front of it. you guys can put a nice button for look your crocs is more funky and nice. now many people out there who wearing crocs use that nice button. That button is only for crocs. So what you waiting for, hurry up buy the crocs for yourself or give to your friend or family as a present. now i will show you example design of crocs.



Tuesday, February 2, 2010

all about my self

Hye everyone, my blog is Izzati Ishak, why i choose that name? It’s because i really love my name and i think its a simple name to remember and also this name is given from my family. So I’m very appreciated it. And I think nobody use this name in their blog.

About myself, my name is Izzati Suhaila Binti Ishak. I was born on the 11th of January 1988 at Hospital Daerah Dungun, well my birthday date same as my mother, what a miracle. When I was young, I was raised in Dungun, Terengganu by my grandparents until the age of six years old along with my Abang Ngah. Then after, my grandmother passed away so I went back to Kuala Terengganu to live with my family there. During my time living with my grandparents, I really misses home, misses each and everyone in the family. The reason I live with my grandparent’s in Dungun is because my grandmother does not allow my mother to send me to

My parents will come to pay a visit during the weekend and sometimes when they are busy, they would not be coming. I still remember during that time, I wait for my parents to come, sitting and waiting on the front door of the house and sometimes I cried of how much I miss them. Mak Tok is what we called my grandmother was. She is the best grandmother I have ever had. Loving and caring but strict, that was her. Three years later, it was the year 1998 I'm in standard three, Mak Tok left us all. That day was the saddest day of my life. She passed away of chronic kidney disease (CKD) and breast cancer.

In my family, I have 6 siblings including me which I'm the third. There are 3 boys and 3 girls, I'm the eldest sister. I love my family so much just like others who love theirs. Everybody in the family always gave me their full support on my studies, when I have problems, especially my father. My father always give me his support to succeed my ambition in education because he is a school Headmaster also a Bahasa Melayu teacher himself at SEK. KEB. BUKIT SAWA TERENGGANU. about my hobbies, i really like to sleep if i got a free time, listening music and the important things is i like to talk so much until my friend and family told me to stop. i like to share lots of story with them.

I started my primary school at S.K Wakaf Mempelam from standard 1 until 6. I've only got 4A 1B for my UPSR. Then I continue my study at SEK. MEN. Sultan Sulaiman Terengganu. In that school I’m staying at hostel because my school is far from my house. While waiting my SPM result, I’m just staying at home. After my result came out, i got an offer from UITM Dungun to continuing my studies for diploma in office management. All my family felt very happy for that. When start studying at UITM Dungun, i have a lot of friends but i found that suite with me which are Adyra, Hidayah, Ayu, Nadiah,Yana, Diela and Nina. They are very sporting and supporting friend and we always share our sadness and happiness together.

After finished my diploma in UITM Dungun for 3 years, I managed to continue my further study (degree) in UITM Shah Alam taking Interpersonal Communication. Although I didn`t get the course that I applied, it`s fine with me to continue my studies and I hope I can success in this course. That’s all from me. Thank you so much

Monday, January 25, 2010


hye everyone..actually this is my second first blog is about my life. but in this blog i will post or comment only about education because my lecture miss mimi told us to make a blog for an assignment.